
Grow 101

Founded by Mike Alleyne, we show ambitious business owners how to get complete clarity, direction and control so that they can ignite their growth & increase their profits without feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

Business Growth Expert

I’ve been lucky enough to accumulate a wealth of business knowledge having worked across various private and public sector organisations. I specialise in business growth, change management and transformation through the development of new cultures, clear vision and a well-defined strategy.

First Hand Experience

With 10 years with the local City Council and 5 years in digital marketing, coupled with owning and running a number of businesses, I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge in performance improvement, building teams, leadership development and business growth.

Extensive Training

NLP Certified Coach, Time Line Therapy Practitioner, NLP Practitioner, Diploma in T.A. Psychotherapy, Empatico Profiler, N.L.R. Individual & Team Coach, Best Year Yet Team & Individual Coach

“The harder you work, the luckier you get.’’ — Mike Adenuga


Our Unique Guarantee

I personally guarantee that after 60 days of applying the principles within our program, you will begin to see a shift in your own application.

In fact, as an additional protection for you, if you have hit your goal targets by at least 90% each month and you do not see significant improvement, I will work with you personally (1-on-1) to ensure you get back on track to experience a huge transformation.

Now that virtually eliminates any risk on your part.

About Mike Alleyne

Having grown up in the 70’s & 80’s when things were scarce, I remember constantly feeling different. This was from not only growing up in a predominantly white, English working class community, but also in terms of our economic standing. In short, we didn’t have much.

Difference can be visible, but in my experience, difference was more than that. It was something that was felt, and it was communicated to me in many different ways. I was different because I was black, different because I was tall and different because I was the last of five kids and not enough money to go round.

I grew up with the mindset that money was hard to come by and that if you got it, you had damn well better look after it.

This scarcity mindset held me back in many ways, which led me to understand my driving passion in life… To help others become free of negative patterns that hold them back.

As a business coach, I bring a fusion of learned knowledge & training paired with unmistakable experience & passion.

My goal for you is that you overcome any mental barriers to your own success so that you can live on purpose, on point and build a legacy you can be proud of.



My methodology combines the psychology behind human behaviour with strategic business growth strategies. Taking a holistic approach to results focused coaching support

Leadership Development

Developing your leadership starts with the discipline to lead yourself. It’s our habits that ultimately decide our destiny so it’s imperative that we embody the art of self leadership in order to better lead our people

Planning For Success

Planning for success starts with being crystal clear on the direction of travel. “Begin with the end in mind” Know where you’re going and why you are going there. Once clear, you can then start to plot the path

Enjoying The Journey

My coaching support is u niquely crafted in that we work through the psychologic blockages that cause us to self - sabotage & marry that learning with strategic growth planning. Thus allowing you to enjoy the journey.

Getting The Right Results

Once we are clear about the direction o f travel, getting the right results is only achieved with a uniquely crafted plan, a willingness to take on new learnings and the commitment to succeed, ‘no matter what’

Client Feedback

Sharing some client love.

Contact Us If you want to know more!

We’d love to better understand you and the challenges you’re going through. Please reach out and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.